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Overall bank management

Taking a holistic view of all aspects of overall bank management with all their interdependencies is complex. We help you to focus on the essentials: Making the right decisions for business success on the basis of correct data.

bankon offers financial institutions a comprehensive range of services in the area of overall bank management in order to effectively implement business strategies, precisely manage business success, manage risks and fulfil regulatory requirements. Our in-depth industry expertise and many years of experience in projects enable us to take a truly holistic view of the highly interrelated issues in this area, such as strategic planning, risk management, financial management, operational efficiency and compliance, technology and innovation, organisational development and change management.

In addition to the strategic, structural and procedural organisation of overall bank management, (functional) data management and suitable technical support are increasingly becoming key success factors. At the same time, business requirements and technical feasibility (IT target architecture) must be harmonised. IT must be able to react flexibly to changing requirements in the future, and at reasonable investment costs.

In addition to the previously required performance and risk data, ESG data and the relevant regulatory requirements must also be incorporated into the management system in the future so that business decisions can be made taking all relevant dimensions into account. Linking overall bank management with the corporate strategy and divisional strategies on the one hand and with the employees’ target system on the other requires mastery of numerous functional and technical dependencies.

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